Randall Grubb explains the difference between torch working and lampworking.

Randall Grubb

Randall Grubb explains the difference between torch working and lampworking. Oral history interview with Randall Grubb by Barb Elam, conducted via telephone, January 24, 2020, Bard Graduate Center. Clip length: 00:54.

Randall Grubb: You know, in lampwork, you’re working over an open flame and you’re creating a three-dimensional object, in space, right in front of you. You can hold that three-dimensional object in your hand. That’s lampworking. Torch working is you’re working on a surface of glass, and you’re drawing, and pressing the, the leaf into the glass. That’s totally different than creating a three-dimensional leaf you can hold in your hand. So the techniques are very, very different, although the result sometimes can look very similar. The torchwork lacks the three dimensionality of the lampwork, because lampwork is three-dimensional. It’s made three dimensionally, in space, it’s a flower, it’s absolutely three-dimensional.