Tina Yelle talks about Lino Tagliapietra being “the star” of Chihuly’s 1992 Venetian workshop at NYEGW.

Tina Yelle

Tina Yelle talks about Lino Tagliapietra being “the star” of Chihuly’s 1992 Venetian workshop at NYEGW. Oral history interview with Tina Yelle by Catherine Whalen, conducted via telephone, April 30, 2019, Bard Graduate Center. Clip length: 00:59.

Tina Yelle: The thing that struck me in seeing the photos was having Dale [Chihuly] there not being the star, cause it was a Lino [Tagliapietra] workshop really. And that just reminded me of how artists really were supportive of each other and interested in what each other could do. Everyone I knew absolutely adored Lino. They thought learning how he did things, learning from him was extraordinary, and of course, he was such a terrific guy—very easy to be around. So yeah, I think that that cross-fertilization of different traditions was exciting on both sides—one that both Lino and Dale were getting something out of it.