Tina Oldknow talks about knowledge exchange in studio glass. Oral history interview with Tina Oldknow, March 22, 2018, Bard Graduate Center. Clip length: 01:01.

Tina Oldknow: I think that the idea of knowledge exchange in the shaping of American studio glass is incredibly important. Because glassmaking has traditionally been a craft that is very secretive, especially when you’re looking at Europe, and one of the tenets of the American movement was we’re gonna share everything. Everybody knows everything, and people were like, ‘Oh, you know, If I tell them will they copy me or take my technique?’ That has really not happened. People unless they’re doing some sort of derivative work, but that happens everywhere. But, really for the most part, no. People have shared information, and it’s really been great for everyone and it has stimulated creativity. It hasn’t encouraged copying and hasn’t encouraged any of that. It’s encouraged originality. So, it’s been tremendously important and it’s one of the things that distinguishes the studio—American studio glass from other practices.