Tina Oldknow discusses Paul Hollister and other scholars validating studio glass as a new artform. Oral history interview with Tina Oldknow, March 22, 2018, Bard Graduate Center. Clip length: 01:18.

Tina Oldknow: Well, you know, it’s—when you look at it, the people involved in the early years, it was like everyone was important, you know? And Paul, especially, because he was taking it seriously, writing about it, you know, doing critical writing. Those are the kinds of things that validate a new art form which is basically what this was. Because the goal of the—of Harvey Littleton and the pioneering studio glass artist was to look at glass and develop it as a material for contemporary art. Which, you know, it had really been pretty much confined to industry. So this and the other craft-associated materials that were all being developed as new materials for fine art, this was, you know, a goal. And people like Paul were kind of right on that bandwagon. Directors like Paul Smith at the Museum of Contemporary Craft, now the Museum of Arts and Design [New York, New York]—you know, a lot of people, a lot of people kind of came on board. And, not necessarily at the very beginning, but after a while, kind of that momentum grew.