Susie Silbert discusses Mark Peiser sharing his glass knowledge. Oral history interview with Susie Silbert by Catherine Whalen, February 25, 2020, Bard Graduate Center. Clip length: 00:59.

Susie Silbert: Mark has always been, I think, very generous about sharing information, that’s what founding the Glass Art Society was about, and that’s what going out and demoing in Marvin Lipofsky’s class was about before that. But I think maybe one of the things that’s changed is that people ask. And when people ask, Mark answers. And one of the things that I think is the most encouraging about Mark as a craftsman and as a person to work with, and as somebody in the field is that when, when anyone is really passionate about the material, and really interested in learning—and I mean anyone: a student, a hobbyist, or a successful artist, or an aspiring one, he will share his information. And that is exactly the kind of thing that the studio glass movement was founded on, and I think that’s the same kind of approach that will keep it healthy as we move into the future.