Mark Peiser discusses Paul Hollister’s deep understanding of his work. Oral history interview with Mark Peiser by Catherine Whalen, February 25, 2020, Bard Graduate Center. Clip length: 00:48.

Mark Peiser: I think the thing that I most appreciated about Paul is that, you know, when I see people looking at my work, I kind of think I know what they’re seeing, you know? You can kind of read that. And when I saw him looking at the work, he saw so much more than most people did, you know? And he would say such things, and we would talk about them, and as a maker that was just enormously gratifying. You know, to talk to him, get his feedback, you know, he kind of—at least with me, he kind of seemed to be on the same wavelength and it was, yeah. It was special.