Mark Peiser discusses Dudley Giberson’s contributions to studio glass through his equipment developments and inventions.

Mark Peiser

Mark Peiser discusses Dudley Giberson’s contributions to studio glass through his equipment developments and inventions. Oral history interview with Mark Peiser by Catherine Whalen, February 25, 2020, Bard Graduate Center. Clip length: 01:32.

Mark Peiser: And Dudley was one of the people that I talked to, or learned stuff from, technically back then. Like I said, he invented these—the burner heads, he invented an automatic gaffer’s bench, which was kind of a cool thing. Which, actually, I taught a year at RIT [Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York] and I had a guy, a vet, who was in the program there and had both legs missing, and anyway, we got him one of these benches and he could actually make glass, you know. Dudley, you know, he’s built the business winding coils for annealers. He’s also done a research paper and demonstrated what seems to me a pretty convincing explanation for how the Egyptian core vessels were made, which none of the authorities want to acknowledge. He’s done a whole lot of very, very interesting and thoughtful things. He was a real thinker, you know? That contributed to and especially this burner thing. It sounds simple, but I bet, I don’t know, 70-80% of the studios use these things, and they’re quiet and peaceful environments because of that.