Lino Tagliapietra talks about the culture of NYEGW at Mulberry Street.

Lino Tagliapietra

Lino Tagliapietra talks about the culture of NYEGW at Mulberry Street. Oral history interview with Lino Tagliapietra by Isabella Lettere, conducted via telephone, June 28, 2018, Bard Graduate Center. Clip length: 01:19.

Lino Tagliapietra: Ma credo che quando si—lavorava nei primi tempi—i primi anni, si lavorava in Mulberry Street ed era molto piccolo, molto caldo, era—un po’ una mentalità un pochino—non molto aperta, diciamo, ecco. La cultura vetraria era ancora un pochino un optional perché si pensava sempre New Glass, la tecnica non è importante. L’importante è l’idea, l’importante cioè—è un pochino, diciamo un po’ falso [most likely saying this], un po’ strano, un po’ cheap. In realtà, poi si è evoluto—si è evoluto, si è—grazie al apporto di Dale ma anche del—tutto l’ambiente New York-ese è venuto fuori l’UrbanGlass in Fulton Street dove c’è veramente—c’è stato un—un veramente—un colpo di genio [inaudible]—ci è voluto coraggio, e veramente—a poterlo fare. Adesso, è strutturato in modo meraviglioso.

Well I believe that when we were working—working at the beginning—the first years, we were working in Mulberry Street and it was very small, very hot, it was—kind of—not a very open mentality, let’s say. The glass culture was still a little bit optional because one always thought of “new glass,” where the technique is not important. What’s important is the idea, the importance is in other words—is a little, let’s say a little fake [most likely saying this], a little strange, a little cheap. In reality, then it evolved—it evolved, it—thanks to Dale’s contributions but also to the whole New York environment, which produced UrbanGlass in Fulton Street where there is really—there was a—really a—stroke of genius [inaudible]—a lot of courage, and really—to be able to do this. Now, it is structured in a marvelous way.