Jane Bruce speaks about NYEGW at Mulberry Street and selling advertising for New Work. Oral history interview with Jane Bruce, March 22, 2018, Bard Graduate Center. Clip length: 01:19.

Jane Bruce: Mulberry Street was a lot of fun. It was a little bit more free-wheeling than it is these days. There was a lot of artists that treated it very much as their studio. Which still happens at UrbanGlass but not quite—we were a, sort of a smaller band, and we sort of took responsibility for different areas. And then after six months—no, actually during the six months, I was sort of—fairly broke. And Karen Chambers who was—worked at UrbanGlass and she did the visiting artist program and she did what became the Glass magazine, which at that time was called New Work. And Karen said to me, ‘Have you ever sold advertising?’ and I said, ‘No, but I’ll give it a go.’ So I sold advertising, and found out I was actually pretty good at it. And then I ended up running the education program, curating the gallery, and came on staff. And actually, basically, have been involved with New York Experimental/UrbanGlass from 1985 until now, on and off; except for when I went to Australia.