Gay LeCleire Taylor talks about Paul Hollister’s scholarship educating paperweight collectors. Oral history interview with Gay LeCeire Taylor, March 22, 2018, Bard Graduate Center. Clip length: 00:51.

Gay LeCleire Taylor: What’s happened is Paul Hollister devised a book where he really looked at the millefiori canes and realized, if you knew a star that had five points, well, that could be Baccarat, or if something had six points, that could be Saint-Louis or the New England Glass Company or Boston [Boston and Sandwich Glass Company]. So he started to draw those canes. So these collectors that are out there today have their jeweler’s loupes, and they’re looking in their weights, and they’re identifying every single thing. And then there’s the whole contemporary glass artist field of artists that are making contemporary paperweights that are just extraordinary with flamework designs on the inside, and Paul Stankard being one of the, the leaders in that form. And so they are doing historic paperweight information and contemporary at the same time during these conventions.