Flo Perkins comments upon issues of gender in studio glassmaking.

Flo Perkins

Flo Perkins comments upon issues of gender in studio glassmaking. Oral history interview with Flo Perkins by Barb Elam, conducted via telephone, August 20, 2019, Bard Graduate Center. Clip length: 00:40.

Flo Perkins: Well, I have a theory, that there’s not very many women my age who succeeded in having a career—because they all they got involved with the guys. And as soon as that relationship fell apart, they lost their access to the glass shop. And I wanted to blow glass so I didn’t get involved with any of these guys. And—it was a free-for-all, are you kidding me? And— I was very focused. I wanted to blow glass, so I didn’t get involved and that’s what I mean, when I got married in 1977. There’s a reason behind it. It got that off my plate. So I got married to avoid all that junk.