Andrew Page, Editor of Glass: The UrbanGlass Art Quarterly talks about Richard Yelle starting New York Experimental Glass Workshop rather than joining Dale Chihuly at Pilchuck. Oral history interview with Andrew Page, March 22, 2018, Bard Graduate Center. Clip length: 00:54.

Andrew Page: I don’t know if they’ve been much talk about, you know, Dale Chihuly who started Pilchuck [Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, Washington] and he’s been referenced by some of your other speakers, but Richard [Yelle] was actually invited to come out to the West Coast, to the Northwest, to be part of Pilchuck. He was a student of Dale’s at RISD where he earned his MFA. And Richard very consciously begged off, he didn’t want to go ‘to blow glass in the woods,’ as he put it, because for him the art world was centered in New York City. He wanted to be a part of that art world, he wanted to apply his glass experience to the art scene in New York City and that’s where he built—not a parallel—it was a very different organization than Pilchuck was, and I think both of them had great impact and you know, you talked earlier about information exchange that was about definitely happening at Pilchuck, and it was also happening at Urban [UrbanGlass, New York, New York]. But as Cybele [Maylone] was mentioning the dialogue was very much between contemporary artists as well, and had a particular New York flavor to that conversation.