Andrew Page talks about UrbanGlass’ tribute to Paul Hollister. Oral history interview with Andrew Page, March 22, 2018, Bard Graduate Center. Clip length: 00:50.

Andrew Page: Paul Hollister. We wrote a piece, a sort of an homage to Paul Hollister upon his passing, that included some clips from what he published in the New York Times. And we also spoke to Doug Heller, who’s one of the premier gallerists dealing with studio glass whose gallery actually predated the formation of the New York Experimental Glass Workshop [New York, New York] by a couple of years. And Doug was very aware of when Paul would write about one of his exhibitions because he would see an immediate change in the people coming to the gallery. There was so much of an impact having those articles published in the New York Times that gave it a sort of a cultural stamp of significance that Doug spoke very highly of how much of an impact that did have on the whole field. But suddenly it was considered worthy of coverage and overview in the New York Times.