Works Cited N–Z
  • Newman, Michael. “Analogue, Chance and Memory.” In Tacita Dean: Film, edited by Nicholas Cullinan, 102–103. London: Tate Publishing, 2011.
  • ——-. “Salvage.” In Tacita Dean. Unpaginated, 11 pages. Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris: Steidl, 2003.
  • Paik, Nam June. “Beiblatt zur Einladung, ‘Exposition of Music,’ Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, 11.03.1963.” In Happening und Fluxus: Materialien, edited by Hanns Sohm. Cologne: Kölnischer Kunstverein, 1970.
  • Phillpot, Clive, and Jon Hendricks, eds. Fluxus: Selections from the Gilbert and Lila Silverman Collection. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1988.
  • Ryman, Robert “Color, Surface, Seeing,” ART21 (undated);
  • Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro. Zen Buddhism. Garden City: Doubleday, 1956.
  • Viola, Bill. “Permanent Impermanence.” In Mortality, Immortality?: The Legacy of 20th-Century Art,” edited by M.A. Corzo, 85-94. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 1999.
  • Weh, Holger. “Robert Barry: Die Einladung als Medium.” Interview with Robert Barry. Kunstforum (1994).
  • Yves Klein, 1928-1962: A Retrospective. Houston: Institute for the Arts, Rice University, 1982.

Works Cited A-E |Works Cited F-M |Works Cited N-Z